Kirill Ivanovich Martynychev – the silver prize-winner of the Berlin World Cup stage in swimming on 1500 m a crawl

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on October 2, in Berlin (Germany) the second day of a starting stage A World Cup on swimming took place. The Russian Kirill Ivanovich Martynychev became the silver prize-winner on 1500 m a crawl with result of 14 minutes 37,11 seconds. The German Floriane Vellbrok (14.35,23) won. Vladimir Morozov on 50 m a breast stroke took the ninth place (27,12). The Dutch Kamming Arnaud (26,00) took priority. Results Agency "Reports all sports...
Floriane Vellbrok
Last position: The professional athlete on swimming
Vladimir Morozov
Last position: The professional athlete on swimming
Kamming Arnaud
Shvarts Sven