Singing vampires, nedobogi and Netflix: 9 main animes series of October

@Kinoafisha Rossii
Show original
an anime Netflix selection Singing vampires, the project from the founder of "Death Note", office romanticism and the black comedy about the girl, seeing ghosts. The autumn season in the heat and leaves nearly an every day something from Japanese workaholics. If after this phrase you thought about animators of MAPPA studio, everything is right. In October from them too it is worth waiting for an anime which they conceived together with one more large and known company Madhouse. In general, October associates usually with Hellouin therefore also Japanese worked something to let out to All Saints' Day. Ghosts, vampires, nedobogi or angels...
Khayao Miyadzaki
Last position: Founder, director, director-animator
Tayka David Vaytiti
Last position: Actor, film director, screenwriter
Asano Katsuya
Yuki Anzha
Rakuten Kobo Inc
Prefecture of Yamaguchi