Akhedzhakova after the performance "First Bread" called in SK

@Moskovskij komsomolets
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According to Akhedzhakova, she was invited to conversation in Committee of inquiry after the statement by public organizations "Officers of Russia" that Akhedzhakova's heroine in a negative key responds about veterans of war. "To me it is so heavy", - the actress noted. Khamatova, Neyelov, Akhedzhakov on collecting troupe of "Contemporary": shots of actresses Watch a photo gallery on a subject Also it is reported that the actor Semen Shomin who played a leading role in this performance, came to collecting troupe with the injured person. What trouble happened to the actor, it is not known yet. However the decision to replace it in performance was made...
Leah Akhedzhakova
Main activity:Cultural worker
Semen Shomin
Last position: Actor ("Moscow city theater "Sovremennik")
Mushchinkina Natalia