Public organization "Delovaya Russia" supports "young" regional offices

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On September 29 in Public organization "Delovaya Russia" passed selector meeting with heads Belgorod, Ivanovskoye and Lipetsk regional offices. In these regional offices recently there took place reorganization, heads were replaced, work was restarted. The vice-president and the head of executive committee Public organization "Delovaya Russia" Kagramanyan Nonna, opening meeting, noted: "For us it is very important to meet regularly, especially "young" regional offices in time to remove arising questions and to exchange experience. Such continuous dense communication — a basis of system work of all organization and good...
Konstantin Klyuka
Main activity:Politician
Stanislas Kamenetsky
Last position: Director general (LLC "METALL TRADE LIPETSK")
Kagramanyan Nonna
Lukyanchenko Dimitri
Abbakumov Dimitri