Wladyslaw Khovalyg published a historical photo with all heads modern Tyva Republic

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"Almost historical photo. Communication of generations", - the picture in which together there is the elected head Tyva Republic Wladyslaw Khovalyg and the former heads of the republic is laconically signed: Grigory Shirshin (from 1973 to 1990 - the first secretary of the Tuva regional committee, then to 1991 - reskoma CPSU), Sherig-ool Dizizhikovich Oorzhak (the president Tyva Republic from 1992 to 2002, the chairman of Government of the Tyva Republic from 2002 to 2007) and Sholban Kara-ool (chapter of Tyva Republic from 2007 to 2021). The former heads of the republic were present on an inauguration ceremony again...