Amurri Eve will play in one series together with the mother Sarandon Syuzen

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series the Actress will play a role of the character of mother in youth. Castes of the musical drama "Monarch" (Monarch) from Fox Entertainment replenished with Amurri Eve. Mother of the actress, Sarandon Syuzen, plays in series a leading role — the strong and imperious woman by the name of Dottie Kantrell Roman Albi, created own musical empire. As reports the Deadline edition, the actress will play the same character, as Sarandon Syuzen, but other, earlier period of time. Amurri Eve will appear in show already in the first episode. The project is created by London Melissa Hilfers; besides Sarandon Syuzen and Amurri Eve, are involved in him Treys D. by Edkins,  Anna Louisa Fril...
 Anna Louisa Fril
Last position: Actress
Amurri Eve
Sarandon Syuzen
Roman Albi
London Melissa