Whether terribly to write poets verses to Russian Federation

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Whether terribly to write poets verses to Russian Federation About poetry, Sergei Shnurov and meetings was told in interview to Rudakov Nikita on the RTVI channel by the poet, the musician and the blogger Oleg Lomovoy. The satirist wrote for the career more than 9 000 musical parodies and poems for the "Murzilka International" trio. Whether interest to poetry comes back to Russian Federation? "It is difficult to tell unambiguously. But interest is precisely. Thus I know only two big modern Russian poets Vera Polozkova and Dimitri Lvovich Bykov. I know Polozkova about creativity because I liked its poem "Apple...
Dimitri Lvovich Bykov
Last position: Writer, journalist, creative editor (LLC "Newspaper office "Sobesednik")
Sergei Shnurov (Shnur)
Main activity:Show business personality
Vera Polozkova
Last position: Poetess
Rudakov Nikita
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