Gulnaz Badykova from "Marathon-Tula" became the champion Russian Federation on a bicycle track

@MK.RU Tula
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The sportswoman won race on points The day before the results of competitions in cycling on the track, passing in Saint Petersburg were summed up. The Muscovite Gulnaz Badykova, supporting the Tula professional Marathon-Tula team, won a victory in female race, having gained 43 points. Inhabitants of Tula Daniil Komkov, Nesterov Dimitri, Alexander Dubchenko and Pavel Rostov took bronze in man's team sprint. Silver at athletes from Moscow Dmitriev Mikhail and Burlakov Danila, gold – at the Muscovite Yvan Gladyshev. In team sprint at women of the resident of Tula Koroleva Catherina, Goncharova Olga and Andreeva Xenia...