"He exploded at the slightest pretext". The story of the friend Kormiltsev Ilya about unknown life of the known poet

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Today to the poet, the translator and the publisher Kormiltsev Ilya 62 years would be executed. He wrote verses for Nautilus Pompilius group, directed scandalous publishing house "Ultra. Culture". Now lines from its songs write on protest posters and sing at concerts Helena Khruleva. City portal Yekaterinburg "66 .ru" publishes a fragment of the story "Ilyusha" of the writer Porokhnya Leonid — about volume Kormiltsev Ilya whom we did not know...
Dmitry Karasyuk
Last position: Musical journalist, historiographer, philatelist
Vyacheslav Butusov
Last position: Leader, vocalist of the rock groups Nautilus Pompilius and "U-Piter"
Kormiltsev Ilya