Miscellaneous. Volleyball. Lot of a group stage UEFA Champions League among men's and women's teams] took plac

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In Luxembourg lot of a group stage of volleyball UEFA Champions League a season 2021-2022 for men and women took place. Men: Group A "Yastshembski Vegel" (Poland), "Frindrikhskhafen" (Germany), "Knak" (Roeselare, Belgium), team from qualification Group In "Dynamo" (Moscow, Russian Federation), "Ziraat Bankashi" (Ankara, Turkey), "Grinyard" (Maaseik, Belgium), "Prodzhekt" (Warsaw, Poland) Group C "to Kuchina to Liouba" (Chivitanova, Italy), "Legislative Assembly" (Kedzierzyn-Kozle, Poland), "Merkur" (Maribor, Slovenia), "Locomotive" (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) Zenit Group D (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation), "Berlin Recycling" (Germany)...