Zhuravskaya Catherina and Tsyvinsky Oleg are elected members of Econometric community

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The member of the International committee of advisers of RESh, professor Parisian school economy Zhuravskaya Catherina and professor of economy of Yelsky university Artur Okun's name, professor of RESh in combination Tsyvinsky Oleg became new members of Econometric community (The Econometric Society). Zhuravskaya Catherina – the leading scientist in the field of political economy, it is the world expert in studying of economy of media. Professor also investigates subjects of federalism, regulation of bankruptcies, privatizations, corruptions, ethnic variety and business. She was professor of RESh with...
Zhuravskaya Catherina
Tsyvinsky Oleg
Yelsky university
Main activity:Science and education