Oleg Alekseevich Nikolaev: The turn of the weapon and delivery of permissions need to be improved

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Children have to be protected Chapter Chuvash Republic Oleg Alekseevich Nikolaev will direct offers to new structure of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for prevention of the incidents similar to that happened to Kazan and Perm. The head of the region reported about it at joint meeting of the anti-terrorist commission and operational staff to Chuvash Republic which held together with the chief of regional UFSB Albert Savintsev. Let's remind, this meeting...
Oleg Alekseevich Nikolaev
Last position: Head (Government of the Chuvash Republic)
Albert Savintsev
Last position: Chief (UFSB of the Russian Federation on of the Chuvash Republic)
Alla Salaev
Main activity:Official