"Professional IT.2021" will pass the All-Russian forum in Nizhny Novgorod on September 23−24

@Vremja N
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Nizhny Novgorod for the first time hosts the All-Russian forum of regional informatization of "PROF-IT.2021". It will pass in the capital of Volga region from September 23 to September 24. What will be electronic state services in the future how to reduce a chain of communications between the power and citizens when there will be a uniform base of data on patients in health care, whether it is possible to avoid leakage of personal information — these and many other subjects will be discussed at a forum. Also the best projects from 29 regions of the country will be presented. Within a forum will sum up also the results of the awards "National Recognition" and "IT leading of year". From Nizhny Novgorod...
Sergei Yefimov
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Pavel Khilov