Integration of communities is to good: the government defends the position at parliamentary hearings

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Arminfo. The logic of operating system of administrative-territorial division Armenia has to be reconsidered for the purpose of ensuring efficiency of functioning of local governments. Such opinion was expressed by the deputy minister of territorial developments and infrastructures Terteryan Vache on September 22 at hearings starting in parliament concerning integration of communities of the republic initiated by the constant parliamentary Commission on questions of territorial administration, local government, agriculture and NANOSECOND environmental protection. The deputy minister emphasized that a situation, in which in...
Ashot Bleyan
Last position: Director of the educational complex "Mkhitar Sebastatsi" (Ministry obrazovaniya, nauki, kultury i sporta RespublikiArmenia)
Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan
Main activity:Politician
Terteryan Vache
Kerobyan Vaan