Fund "Vera" starts the New Year's stock "Seychastye"

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Charity fund "Vera" starts the New Year's stock "Seychastye". The business firms can join it which want to give not simply gifts, but also to spend the souvenir budget with advantage. The stock "Seychastye" — an excellent way to unite a holiday and help to incurably sick children and adults over all country. Seychastyem at us in fund call the simple moments of pleasure which do not need to be postponed for later. To it we were taught by the people living in hospices - they as nobody else, know about the value of every minute. They inspired us to write down the stories and to share them with all, who...
Galashevskaya Olga
Mikhalskaya Maria
Uspenskaya Catherina
Main activity:Communication and IT
Fund "Vera"
Charity fund "Vera"