Prosecutor's office of the Gavrilov Posad district of the Ivanovo region took measures to elimination of unauthorized access of people to the unexploited, uninhabited building, belonging to area administration

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According to arrived information of the chief of OND Gavrilov Posad district UNPR of Head department ministry Russian Federation on affairs Grazhdansky defenses, to emergency situations and natural disaster response on Ivanovo region about the occurred 14.02.2019 and 17.02.2019 fires in building schools is carried out by former Petrovsky average an inspection. It is established that in the territory of the Petrovsky city settlement to the settlement address. Petrovsky Shkolnaya St., 2/1 located the uninhabited building which is not used, is not protected, any protection is absent, through window apertures in a wall of buildings and doorways there is a free access of foreign persons. This uninhabited building appears in the register of the property which is in...