Congratulations to the branch director Shachnev Sergei happy birthday

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To the branch director Shachnev Sergei birthday greetings arrived from: deputy governor Bryansk Region Youri Filipenko; acting deputy governor Bryansk Region Kuleshova T. V.; deputy governor Bryansk Region Shcheglova N. M.; acting deputy governor Bryansk Region Bardukova A. N.; acting deputy governor Bryansk Region O. P. Naboka; deputy governor Bryansk Region Boris Ivanovich Gribanov; the chairman of standing committee Bryansk region region duma on the industry, construction, to communication, business and property Antoshina S. S.; Hero...
Alexander Nikolaevich Makarov
Last position: Head (Administration of Bryansk)
Vadim Uvarkin
Last position: Chief (Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defence, emergency situations and natural disaster response of the Bryansk region)
Olga Polyakov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Bank of Russia)