The United Russia party member Sitnikov Aleksey with a small separation wins elections in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

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The real competition to the politician was made by the communist Valery Petrovich Izhitsky. To Kostroma Region sum up the results of elections in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the one-mandatory constituency No. 107. Vote took place from September 17 to September 19, 2021. According to election commission, the victory is won by the United Russia party member Sitnikov Aleksey. It gathers 36,91 percent of votes. On the second place with a separation in 8 percent — the communist Valery Petrovich Izhitsky. It has 29,04% of voices. The member of the party "Just Russia" Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Golovnikov with 9,62 percent of votes of voters became the third. Three more candidates gathered about 5 percent of votes. This is Fedin Dimitri from...
Valery Petrovich Izhitsky
Last position: Deputy of the Kostroma region duma of the VI-th convocation
Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Golovnikov
Last position: Deputy (Regional Duma of Kostroma)
Sitnikov Aleksey
Fedin Dimitri
Kuznetsov Andrey
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.