In Altai Territory All-Russian Shukshinsky film festival] created the poste

@Vechernij Barnaul
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From September 28 to October 2 in Altai Territory will pass the All-Russian festival "Shukshinsky Days in Altai Territory" and XXIII All-Russian Shukshinsky film festival. The ceremonial opening of a festival will take place on September 28 at the Altai regional theater dramas of Vasily Shukshin, and closing of Shukshinsky days and summing up All-Russian Shukshinsky film festival — on October 1 on a platform of City palace of culture of Biysk, reports a portal of the Ministry of Culture. In libraries will pass creative meetings with writers. All-Russian Shukshinsky film festival this year will include two competitive programs. So, in the main competitive...
Maxime Dashkin
Last position: Director, producer screenwriter
Nicholas Khomeriki
Last position: Russian film director, screenwriter
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