JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "POST RUSSIA" opened new office in Kapitonovk's village Khabarovsk Territory

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In the village Kapitonovka JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "POST RUSSIA" opened modular office to the address: Tsentralnaya St., 36. Now inhabitants of the rural settlement can receive post and financial services in a comfortable situation. Before Kapitonovki's inhabitants were served by mobile post office. "In rural settlements post offices become "centers of gravity". Thanks to application of such new formats of service in Kapitonovk's village where earlier there were no suitable rooms, we can render not only post, but also financial, insurance services. Inhabitants of the village do not have more need to go behind it in...
Mikhail Degtyarev
Main activity:Politician
Aleksey Aleksandrovich Gusev
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Information Technology and Communication of the Khabarovsk Territory)
Alexander Usenko
Last position: Head of the city settlement (Administration of the urban settlement Vyazemsky city of the Vyazemka municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory)
Gruznov Zakhar
Malikov Tamerlan