Vyazemsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn the Vyazma area at us the outbreak of the African plague of pigs. This terrible business. The resolution on the announcement of an emergency situation] prepareIn the Vyazma area at us the outbreak of the African plague of pigs. This terrible business. The resolution on the announcement of an emergency situation] prepare8/5/2020Mikhail DegtyarevThe head of Ministry of Transport of my assignment organized dumping of the road to the settlement Noisy the Vyazma area. This year we allocated from the budget of 3 million rubles for its contents4/20/2021Mikhail DegtyarevIn the Vyazma area at us the outbreak of the African plague of pigs. This terrible business. The resolution on the announcement of an emergency situation] prepareIn the Vyazma area at us the outbreak of the African plague of pigs. This terrible business. The resolution on the announcement of an emergency situation] prepare8/5/2020Mikhail DegtyarevThe head of Ministry of Transport of my assignment organized dumping of the road to the settlement Noisy the Vyazma area. This year we allocated from the budget of 3 million rubles for its contents4/20/2021Mikhail DegtyarevIn the Vyazma area at us the outbreak of the African plague of pigs. This terrible business. The resolution on the announcement of an emergency situation] prepareIn the Vyazma area at us the outbreak of the African plague of pigs. This terrible business. The resolution on the announcement of an emergency situation] prepare8/5/2020Mikhail Degtyarev1246Region News+7 last weekHead since 2015Olga MeshcheryakovaMedia Score: LowHead since 2015Olga Meshcheryakova91years oldDate of establishmentJuly 22, 19341:55:33 AMGMT+1027RUS+742153Dialing code74Connections+28 last weekPopulation20 771NewsConnections Tree
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