The program the international Russian film festival "Literature and cinema"] is publishe

@MK.RU Sankt-Peterburg
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The XXVII International Russian film festival "Literature and cinema" on September 24 – on October 02, 2021 Gatchina, Leningrad Region the PROGRAM on September 24, Friday of the Foyer of cinema of KKZ "Victory" (Gatchina, pr-kt on October 25th, 5) 10.00 EXHIBITION "In the SHOT AND OFF-SCREEN" Exhibition artworks of the member Union of artists Saint Petersburg Strezhbetskaya Tatyana the Big hall of KKZ "Victory" (Gatchina, pr-kt on October 25th, 5) 18.00 CEREMONY of OPENING the XXVII INTERNATIONAL Russian film festival "Literature and cinema" the opening Movie – the ARCHIPELAGO of the director Telnov Aleksey (2020. Russian Federation, 104 min. 12%2B) on September 25...