The head coach combined Russian Federation on volleyball explained defeat from Poland in ChE quarterfinal

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The head coach combined Russian Federation on volleyball Sammelvuo Tuomas commented on defeat of wards in a quarterfinal match of the championship Europe with team Poland with the score 0:3 (14:25, 24:26, 19:25). By words Sammelvuo Tuomas, it is heavy to play when there is no giving. "Seven mistakes on giving. It is a lot of. It is heavy to play when we are mistaken on giving and on receptions" very much — Sammelvuo Tuomas sport TV channel "Match TV" quotes. The most productive players of a match of steel Yegor Klyuka and volleyball players of the national team Poland Leon Wilfredo and Bartosh Kamil Kurek, gathered on 14 points. The championship Europe – 2021 takes place in four countries —...
Yegor Klyuka
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "BK "ZENIT-SANKT-PETERBURG")
Sammelvuo Tuomas
Leon Wilfredo