"With pain I look at myself! ": Zhelyaznyak about a share of the jobless husband, a mortgage and the afflicted act of the son

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Olesya Zheleznyak arrived to Blagoveshchensk for only some days to participate in opening of a festival of cinema and theaters "The Amur fall" and to play in performance Samgin Roman Superstars within the Far East theatrical festival. After rehearsal the correspondent met it" to online newspaper "Dni.ru"". Olesya Zheleznyak assures that her life is far from the glamourous. "To pay a mortgage for the apartment, I work hard – I act in at film, I play on stage, – the actress admits. – The apartment at us four-room, but without paste, columns and incrustations. There I carry out big part of time in kitchen – I prepare for...
Olesya Zheleznyak
Last position: Actress, TV host
Spartak Sumchenko
Last position: Actor
Samgin Roman