The collective of MFTs celebrated a professional holiday

@Puschinskaja sreda
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On the second Saturday of September to Moscow Region celebrated Day of the employee of MFTs. On an event of experts multipurpose centers Pushchin was congratulated the mayor Aleksey Vorobyev, the first deputy head of administration by Julia Fomina and the deputy of Council of deputies Sukhareva Jeanne. Aleksey Vorobyev, head of the lake Pushchino: - Dear Kolmykova Svetlana and staff of the Multipurpose center! Sincerely I want to tell words of gratitude for your invaluable work. On you estimate work of bodies municipal and even the government. Your work difficult. You always nearby, are ready to help with any...
Aleksey Vorobyev
Last position: Head (Administration of Pushchino)
Julia Fomina
Main activity:Official
Sukhareva Jeanne
Kolmykova Svetlana
Posabtseva Irina