In State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation told, whether it is worth including heating in houses before term

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Existing standards for start heatings in apartment houses are optimum from the medical and economic point of view. The member Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on housing policy and household management company Igor Toroshchin holds such opinion. His words are provided by Russian information company "URA.Ru". — The standard established in the country about the five-day period, during which average air temperature has to be lower than %2B 8 degrees (or above — for shutdown), is optimum from the economic point of view, medical and from the point of view of decrease in financial loading on grazhda, - Igor Toroshchin told. The deputy noted that than earlier...
Igor Toroshchin
Last position: Deputy, Member of the committee on economic policy, industry, the innovative development and entrepreneurship, vice-chairman of the commission on legal support of development of the organizations of defense industry complex of the Russian Federation (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Mikhail Leus
Last position: Leading expert (LLC "Center Fobos")