Court sentenced Maria Alekhina to a year of restriction of freedom on the case of sanitary standards

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The prosecutor demanded to appoint earlier by it two years of restriction of freedom Moscow, on September 10. information agency "ITAR-TASS". Preobrazhenka village district court of Moscow city sentenced to one year of restriction of freedom the participant of group Pussy Riot Maria Alekhina on the case of violation of sanitary standards during an unauthorized action in Moscow. information agency "ITAR-TASS" reported about it in court". Court recognized Maria Alekhina guilty according to Art. 33 and p.1 to Art. 236 of the criminal code of Russian Federation ("Instigation to violation of sanitary standards") and appointed by it punishment in the form of one year of restriction of freedom", - told in court. Maria Alekhina are set the following restrictions: not to leave a place constant...