Angelica Sidorov became the champion of Diamond league in pole vaults

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Moscow, 9 Sep - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The Russian athlete Angelica Sidorov won the Final of Diamond league which passes in Zurich, having become the champion of a series in pole vaults. Angelica Sidorov won a victory, having shown the best result of a season in the world - 4,96 meters. After it improved the achievement and established a record of Diamond league - 5,01. The Greek woman Catherina Stefanidi (4,77), the third - the Slovene Tina Shutey (4,67) became the second. Angelica Sidorov, the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games to Tokyo, became the owner of the Diamond trophy and won a monetary prize in 30 thousand dollars...
Angelica Sidorov
Last position: The professional athlete on easily athletics
Tina Shutey
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Sysoev Grigory