In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed concern about power change of the power in Guinea

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Moscow is alarmed by power change of the power in Guinea, Alfa Konde demands to release the president and to provide his inviolability, Maria Zakharova declared the official representative Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. "In Moscow express alarm in connection with power change of the power in Guinea, we demand release Alfa Konde, ensuring its inviolability, we consider as the extremely important not to allow intensity escalation, to take necessary steps for the purpose of return of a situation to the constitutional field", – gives it slovaria "News". Russian Federation considers as an uncontested way of settlement of a situation in Guinea – the fastest...
Maria Zakharova
Last position: Director of the department of information and press (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Alfa Konde
Main activity:Politician
Madzhu Kake
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy Republic of Guinea in of the Russian Federation)
Khalil Ibrakhim