The student of St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications started training according to the program of two diplomas

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The undergraduate of group IKTB-07M Gurbatov Gleb, being trained on the direction of preparation 10.04.01 "Information security", started training according to the program of two diplomas at Technological institute County of Blekinge (BTH, Sweden), the preparation direction "Computer technologies". The research supervisor – Cand.Tech.Sci., the associate professor of the protected communication systems Ushakov Igor. The memorandum of cooperation between educational institutions was signed in May, 2019. Training of masters in the direction 10.04.01 is carried out within partner participation of St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications in "The master program of new generation of experts...
Gurbatov Gleb
Ushakov Igor
Main activity:Science and education