The world boxing council Oscar Valdes – Konseysao despite doping scandal] authorized carrying out figh

@Otkrytyj port
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The president of the World boxing council (WBC) Mauricio Suleyman announced the decision of the organization to authorize the forthcoming fight for a title of the world champion in the second semi-lightweight between Oscar Valdes and Robson Konseysao, reports "Open Port" with reference to last week round the planned protection by Oscar Valdes the title WBC the scandal caused by positive result of dough which the champion, on the forbidden substance handed over the phentermine which is most known as means for suppression of appetite inflamed. It is substance it is forbidden by Voluntary anti-doping association (Agency)...
Oscar Valdes
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Robson Donato Konseysan
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Mauricio Suleyman
Last position: President (World boxing council)