Equity markets Asia grew on Monday

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Stock markets of Asian and Pacific Rim (Association tennisistov-professionalov) grew following the results of auctions on Monday, transfer inbusiness.kz with reference to information agency "Interfaks". In the center of attention of investors – statistical data on a labor market to United States of America, published on Friday after closing of the Asian markets. The quantity of workplaces in economy of United States of America in August increased by 235 thousand, the minimum rates in 7 months, data of the Ministry of Labour testify. According to the revised data, in July the indicator grew by 1,053 million, instead of by 943 thousand as it was reported earlier. Unemployment in August fell in the country to 5,2%, minimum...
Brich Catherine
Main activity:Finance
National bank China
Main activity:Finance
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles
Alibaba Group
Main activity:Wholesale trade