The teacher Zabit Magomedsharipov: "The spirit of the person can be seen when he dances or laughs"

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The founder and the director of combative schools Magomaev Guseyn in interview of newspaper "Sport-express" told "Five parts of the world" about the understanding of spirit. "What such spirit? Bravery, courage, courage — is things of other order. The spirit — is a thing which is initially given us by the nature, but it at all different. From small to the huge. There is a rotten spirit, weak. When we want to learn an essence of the person, the nature, we look for spirit him. It is possible know as spirit to see at once? When the person dances when he laughs — he is bared. Here to bare the person, to see his essence — my task was the first. And therefore any of my pupils did not imitate...
Zabit Magomedsharipov
Last position: The professional athlete on the mixed martial arts (UFC)
Muslim Salikhov
Last position: The professional athlete on the mixed martial arts (UFC)
Bozigit Ataev
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts (PFL)
Magomed Magomedov
Last position: The professional athlete on the mixed martial arts
Magomaev Guseyn
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