38 parties decided to participate in elections in Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic] alread

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In Central Election Commission notices of intention to participate on elections of deputies Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic from 20 political blocks arrived. About it reported in the Central Electoral Commission. Among new applicants for places in legislative assembly there were parties: "My fatherland", "National - democratic party Kyrgyzstan", "Party of veterans of war in Afghanistan", "Solidarity", "Socialist", "Aalam", "Adilet", "Joint stock company of Assab", "Joint stock company of Bath", "Aruuzat — Al Kuta", ""Ata-Zhurt" Party Kyrgyzstan", "Bizdin Al", "Biylik Elge", "Birge — Together", "Zhanna Mezgil", "Zhanna an era", "Kelechek — the Future", "Kuchtuu the region"...
"The Greens"
Political ideology:Envayronmentalizm, centrism, green policy.
Political parties
Political ideology:Liberalism, reformism, right centrism