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The collective monograph" Strategic planning steady functioning of an economic complex Russian Federation", Institutes which have left with the participation of the research supervisor, the academician Makarov Aleksey, the chief researcher, the Dr.Sci.Tech. Keyko Alexander and the head of department of research of a power complex of the world and Russian Federation Kulagin Vyacheslav (M. is published: RAN, 2021 / Under the editorship of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Bondur V. G., the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Makosko A. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences Boris Mikhaylovich Nakonechny). Materials the collective monograph prepared by members of council...
Boris Mikhaylovich Nakonechny
Last position: Director (Department formations of State defense order government of the Russian Federation)
Makarov Aleksey
Keyko Alexander
Kulagin Vyacheslav
Bondur V. G.
Main activity:Science and education