Alexander Mikhaylovich Osipov wrote the review of the book Kristall rosta

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The governor Zabaykalsky Territory Alexander Mikhaylovich Osipov wrote a response on the book Alexander Galushka, Arthur Niyazmetov and Maxime Okulov Kristall rosta. Kristall rosta - probably, the only thorough fundamental work about sources, the reasons and the developed practical decisions which have provided unprecedented economic growth in our country in the period of 1929-1955. Work it is accurate, practical, consecutive and systemically develops a picture of historical creativity and innovation of statesmen of that time which has provided amazing results...
Alexander Mikhaylovich Osipov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Zabaykalsky Territory)
Alexander Galushka
Main activity:Official
Arthur Niyazmetov
Last position: Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District. (Office of the President'S Authorized Representative of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District)
Zurnachyan Irina