Volleyball. Championship Europe. Women. Serbia - Russian Federation. Live broadcast

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ChE Serbia 3: 2 Russian Federation (25:22, 25:19, 16:25, 24:26, 15:10) Ended Serbia the binding: Sladyana Mirkovich, Maia Ognenovich the diagonal: Sara Tsarits, Byelitsa Ana, Tiyana Boshkovich blocking: Popovich Mina, Stephane Velkovich, Mylena Rashich, Kotsich Yovana. doigrovshchitsa: Bianka of Bush, Lazovich Katarina, Boyana Milenkovich. Libero: Popovich Silvia, Blagoevich Helena. Head coach: Terzich Zoran Russian Federation the binding: Eugenia Startsev and Paulina Matveev. the diagonal:  Anna Lazarev. the blocking: Brovkina Julia, Yenina Catherina and Kotova Elizabeth. doigrovshchitsa: Kapustina Irina, Kadochkina Tatyana, Smirnova Xenia...
Maia Ognenovich
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Female volleyball club "Edzhzadzhibashi")
Eugenia Startsev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Zhensky Volleyball club "Dinamo-Kazan")