Российские волейболистки на ЧЕ выступают с достойными результатами

Российские волейболистки на ЧЕ выступают с достойными...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «website "Rossiyskaya gazeta"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Arina Fedorovtsev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Zhensky Volleyball club "Dinamo-Kazan")
Eugenia Startsev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Zhensky Volleyball club "Dinamo-Kazan")
 Anna Lazarev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball in club "IBK of Altos" (South Korea)
Darya Pilipenko
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Uralochka")