The Kaliningrad authorities count on the income from restoration of monuments

@Delovoj Peterburg
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To Kaliningrad Region expect to gain income from the regional program of preferential financings projects on restoration of monuments and their further involvement in an economic turn. The program was formed taking into account experience of neighboring countries, first of all — Poland, reported in the press service Regionalnoye government ". We looked at our neighbors in Poland where, for example, in the restored lock Malbork there were 26 quite to themselves decent big restaurants and many other types businesses which arise on this tourist stream" — the governor of the region Anton Alikhanov noted on...
Anton Alikhanov
Main activity:Politician
Natalia Zubarevich
Last position: The teacher, professor on chair of economic and social geography of Russia of geographical faculty (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Main activity:Science and education
Regionalnoye government
Government Agency