At movie theater "Dawn" will carry out a series of open lectures about the photo

@Novyj Kaliningrad.Ru
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At movie theater "Dawn" will carry out a series of open lectures about the art of photography. They will pass within the FOTON festival. On Saturday, September 11, the artist and photographer Tkachenko Danil will act with lecture "the Art project: from idea before realization". The museum producer and the curator Kabalina Catherina — with lecture "Synthesis of arts: collective practicians and rituals today". Bildredaktor Sharapova Natalia will tell about interaction photographers and the photo editor: as it is correct to write the letter to the editor, in what look to send the works, and also will share contacts of photo editors of the Russian mass media which publish...
Tkachenko Danil
Kabalina Catherina
Sharapova Natalia
Tugolukov Denise