The candidate from "Apple" withdrew from elections: him found guilty of participation in the extremist organizations

@Kazanskij reporter
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Vahitovskij District Court of Kazan of the Republic of Tatarstan recognized the chairman of Tatarstan "Apple" Ruslan Zinatullin involved in activity the extremist organization and withdrew from elections. Earlier we wrote that the chairman of Tatarstan "Apple" try to withdraw from elections in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Ruslan Zinatullin told "The Kazan reporter" that claim the procurator submitted because of allegedly found communications of the chairman of the party with politicians and the organizations recognized in recent time extremist. So, for example, prosecutor's office counted the coordinated meeting on February 14, devoted to political repressions, extremist...
Ruslan Zinatullin
Last position: Chairman (Regional branch office of the Russian Federation joint democratic party "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, regional branch office of the Russian Federation joint democratic party of the Republic of Tatarstan, "Yabloko" Integrated democrats" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, PO RODP "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, Party RO "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, Party "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, "Yabloko" Green Russia" in of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Alexei Navalny
Main activity:Politician
Helena Izotova
Last position: Member of Social movement "Against Construction of WIP and for Implementation of System of Separate Collecting Garbage"
Bulatov Ildar