The world famous American artist photorealist Klouz Chak] die

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The rare illness resulted it in a peculiar style of portraits. Kate Moss and others were its models Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, William Bradley Pitt. Photo © information agency "ITAR-TASS" / Zhernov Vadim at the age of 81 year died the American artist Klouz Chak. About it reports edition about events from the world of cinema "The Hollywood Reporter" with reference to the attorney Klouz Chak. He did not specify a cause of death. The artist in hospital Oceanside, New York City died. It became famous thanks to large hyper realistic portraits of celebrities. Its works are exposed in art galleries worldwide. Among models there were Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, William Bradley Pitt, Kate Moss and...
William Bradley Pitt (Brad Pitt)
Last position: Actor, producer
Barack Obama
Main activity:Politician
Bill Clinton (Bill Clinton)
Main activity:Official
Klouz Chak
Kate Moss