Muddy also smells: Municipal unitary enterprise Kostroma "Kostromagorvodokanal" sounded results of tests of water from wells in Kozelino

@MK.RU Kostroma
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Municipal unitary enterprise Kostroma "Kostromagorvodokanal" finished water check from wells in Kozelino's settlement. As the correspondent became knows "MK in Kostroma", results not strongly iridescent. "Excess on a turbidity, iron, an unpleasant organoleptic smell hydrogen sulfide and microbiology is revealed. But it is necessary to conduct additional researches to receive more expanded assessment of quality of water on chemical, microbiological and other indicators", - the head of the laboratory of water supply Municipal unitary enterprise Kostroma "Kostromagorvodokanal" Boronina Helena told. From two wells laboratory assistants of Vodokanal took water samples after burst in...