This day in a calendar. On August 18

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Today on August 18. Than it is remarkable in the history? In the WORLD Day of border troops of Kazakhstan (Day of the frontier guard). Day of medical workers Tajikistan. Physicians Tajikistan celebrate the professional holiday on August 18. It is devoted to birthday of the ingenious Tajik-Persian scientist, the philosopher and the doctor of Abuali-ibn-Sino which is better known as Avicenna (apprx. 980–1037). National day of science in Thailand. In 1572 in Paris the wedding of the French princess Valua Margaret and Heinrich of the king Navarrsky took place. In 1958 to United States of America left the novel Nabokov Vladimir "Lolita", brought to the writer...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Valua Margaret
Nabokov Vladimir
Russian geographical association