The journalist Petr Manyakhin fined for shooting about thrones. Before it entered in the mass media list - "inoagentov"

@Novaja gazeta
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Management Federal Sernce for Supervision in the Sphere Of Transport across Siberian Federal District decided to fine the journalist Petr Manyakhin Manyakhin * 32 thousand rubles for shooting about thrones in Altay. About it onsoobshchil NGS. Petr Manyakhin found guilty of violation of the rules of use of air space and management the aircraft which has not passed state registration (h. 2 Art. 11.4 and h. 5 Art. 11.5 of Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2001 No. 195-FZ "On the Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation"). According to the journalist, court refused all petitions of protection which were directed on specification of objective data on business. Petr Manyakhin detained on July 16. According to the prosecutor's office version , it started a pilotless throne about Ursule's rivers and...