The word on the letter "g": Maxime Aleksandrovich Galkin rigidly carried after the scandalous statement
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Maxime Aleksandrovich Galkin appeared in the ranks of those Muscovites who are dissatisfied with installation in the capital of a masterpiece of the modern art. The other day the spouse Primadonny published in the instagram-account of video in which he extremely sharply spoke a sculpture of the fashionable artist Fisher Urs which soon have to place into the Marsh square. The indignant actor called work of the sculptor "a 12-meter short glass of not really accurate shit" and in confirmation of the words put a photo of this masterpiece. Admirers Maxime Aleksandrovich Galkin shared opinion of the humorist and began to laugh together with it at a sculpture, without understanding it...
Maxime Aleksandrovich Galkin
Main activity:Show business personality
Fisher Urs