The former head of committee on culture of Leningrad Region Bogush Vladimir] die

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Government of the Leningrad region expressed condolences to a family of the former chairman of committee on culture of the 47th region Bogush Vladimir. He died on August 13 at the age of 75 years. Position of the chairman of committee on culture of Leningrad Region Bogush Vladimir took more than 16 years. It came to work to Government regiona in 1996. In 2013 Bogush Vladimir replaced on a post of the head of committee on culture the ex-official of Ministry of culture Kononenko Natalia". Bogush Vladimir managed to keep a lot of things from this that there was in culture Leningrad Region to the 1990th and to start increasing greatly and developing successfully this heritage in the 2000th...
Victor Nikolaev
Main activity:Official
Bogush Vladimir
Kononenko Natalia
Sholmov Konstantin
Exchange "Saint Petersburg"
Government regiona
Government Agency