The Russian volleyball players-plyazhniki storm a playoffs of the championship Europe

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Global Look Press In the Austrian Vienna proceeds the championship Europe on beach volleyball. On it act also Russian sporstmeny, until recently won silver of the Olympic Games-2020. At once three couples Russian teams on beach volleyball won places in 1/8 finals of the championship Europe, passing in the Austrian Vienna. These are recent victors of the Olympic Games Oleg Stoyanovsky and Vyacheslav Borisovich Krasilnikov, and also Konstantin Semenov and Ilya Leshukov and Nikita Lyamin together with Myskiv Taras. Oleg Stoyanovsky and Vyacheslav Borisovich Krasilnikov played a match 1/16 finals against Swisses Marko Krattiger and Iva Haussenera...