"Palette of crafts". The Saratov governor enjoyed hour pictures of local artists

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Today, on August 13, the governor Saratov Region Valery Radayev visited the fair "Palette of Crafts" on Theatre Square and examined each stand, having spent for it more than an hour. At fair hand-made articles of masters from 23 regions Russian Federation and 13 areas Saratov Region were presented. In the beginning the governor visited small honey fair and advised it to dealers to sell the goods to guests of "Palette" and thus to make good cash desk. Then he watched the stand Committee po turizmu: department presented a 3D model of Saratov, to travel on which it is possible with help the kyyuar-codes located on...
Valery Radayev
Last position: Party member ("United Russia")
Tatyana Kasaeva
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Alexander Burmak
Last position: Deputy head of administration (Administration of the municipal entity Saratov city)
Lukhminsky Nikita
Lebedeva Julia