Summer types. Track and field athletics. Christina Timanovskaya joined a team of the Polish concern

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The Belarusian athlete Christina Timanovskaya joined a team of the largest Polish power concern Orlen. "The athlete Christina Timanovskaya, specializing on a sprinting, joined the sports group Orlen uniting the best athletes, including the Olympic prize-winners Tokyo. Its part are among other things Vlodarchik Anita, Yustina Sventi - Ersetits, Anna Kelbasinskaya and Pavel Faydek", - it is spoken in the message of companies. Company noted that cooperation with Orlen will allow the Belarusian sportswoman to continue trainings and sports career...
Yustina Sventi-Ersetits
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Vlodarchik Anita